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Arrr mateys, Switzerland be settin' new rules for 'tis banks after Credit Suisse be causin' a ruckus!


Avast ye mateys! The Swiss government be setting sail to strengthen their rules for them "too big to fail" banks like Credit Suisse. They be aimin' to keep the treasure safe for the taxpayers and the economy. Aye, shiver me timbers!

The Swiss government be makin' moves to strengthen its rules to prevent a disaster in the banking sector after the troubles at Credit Suisse last year. Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter be lookin' to protect the taxpayers and the Swiss economy, ye see.They be announcin' a package of 22 measures to boost liquidity at financial institutions and cut back on them excessive bonuses for bankers. The aim be to prevent another major bank crisis that would require state intervention.One possible change be givin' more power to the regulator FINMA to fine them wrongdoers in the banking world. This be part of the effort to avoid another Credit Suisse situation that could cause chaos in the global financial markets.Arr, the Swiss be hopin' to avoid any more scandals like the one that led to the UBS takeover of Credit Suisse, which cost them billions. The Swiss be aimin' to keep their reputation as a major financial center intact, savvy?

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