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Arrr, them scallywags in Ukraine be passin' a bill makin' everyone ready for battle! Jolly good fun, mateys!


Arrr, ye scallywags in the legislature have finally agreed to give our Ukrainian mates a fighting chance against them pesky Russian invaders! 'Tis about time we replenish their forces and show those landlubbers who's boss on the high seas! Aye, ye better watch out, Russia!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The bloomin' legislature has gone and passed a law to help out them Ukrainian forces that be gettin' pummeled by them pesky Russians. Aye, they be needin' all the help they can get to replenish their ranks and fend off them assaults from the enemy.
It be a tough battle out there on the high seas, but with this new law, the Ukrainian forces be gettin' a bit of a boost to keep fightin' the good fight. Them Russians may be ruthless, but the Ukrainians be standin' strong and ain't backin' down anytime soon.
So raise a tankard of grog to them brave souls out there defendin' their homeland! May they be findin' the strength and courage to keep on fightin' against all odds. And may this law be helpin' them replenish their forces and give 'em the edge they need to come out on top in this epic battle of wills.

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