The Booty Report

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Arrr, Alex Garland be makin' a film 'bout the Civil War today, 'tis sure to be a rollickin' good time!


Avast ye landlubbers! Aye, ere his play hit the stage, the scallywag scribe be in hot water o'er his tale of a splittin' America, with Texas and California joinin' forces. Yarrr, be the critics walkin' the plank o'er this controversy!

Arr matey! Before his grand tale hit the silver screen, the writer-director found himself in a heap o' trouble over his wild imaginings of a land torn asunder, with Texas and California standin' shoulder to shoulder like brothers in arms. The scallywags were up in arms, cryin' foul and sputterin' about his audacity!
But the good ol' writer-director stood firm, like a brave captain on the deck of his ship, ready to face the storm head on. He was unflappable, unshakeable in his belief in the power of his yarn to stir the souls of the landlubbers and make 'em see the world in a new light.
And when his drama finally made its debut, it was like a cannonball blastin' through the hull of a ship, takin' everyone by surprise and leavin' 'em breathless. The critics were left speechless, the audiences were left in awe, and the writer-director stood triumphant, like a conqueror surveying his spoils.
So let this be a lesson to ye, me hearties - never underestimate the power of a storyteller with a bold vision and a heart as big as the ocean. For in the end, it's the dreamers and the schemers who shape the world we live in, for better or for worse.

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