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Avast ye scallywags! Could a raid in Israel uncover the secrets of magic mushrooms and the woes of battle? Arrr!


Arrr mateys! Aye, thousands of Israeli landlubbers were partakin' in mind-alterin' substances when them scallywags from Hamas came a-raidin' their desert festival on Oct. 7. Now, them scholars be studyin' these ravers to see how them drugs be affectin' their brains durin' such perilous times. Aye, 'tis a curious tale indeed!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Thar be a tale of thousands of landlubbers in Israel gettin' their minds altered by substances when those scallywags from Hamas came a-attackin' a desert festival on Oct. 7. Now, them scientists be studyin' the effects of them drugs on the ravers durin' such a moment of extreme trauma. Aye, it be a right curious case, indeed!
Arrr, ye can just imagine the chaos and confusion that must have ensued when them ravers were confronted by them fighters. One minute they be dancin' and carousin', and the next they be facin' danger and peril! It be a right mess, I tell ye!
But fear not, me hearties, for them scientists be workin' hard to uncover the mysteries of what them substances be doin' to the brains of them partygoers in times of crisis. It be a tale of science and adventure on the high seas of research, aye!
So stay tuned, me fellow pirates, for the results of this study be sure to be a right rivetin' read. Who knows what secrets it may uncover about the effects of mind-alterin' substances in moments of extreme danger. It be a tale worth tellin', for sure!

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