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Arrr, Mali be puttin' a hold on all political shenanigans. Aye, the military be callin' the shots now!


Arrr, the scallywags in Mali have declared all politickin' be off limits until further notice! They be claimin' it's to keep the peace, but we all know they just want to keep their treasure safe from the rumblings of discontent! Aye, me hearties!

The ruling junta in Mali be decreein' a suspension o' all political activities, claimin' it be necessary fer preservin' public order, mateys. This decision be comin' after they called off elections last year, with no new date in sight.The spokesman for the junta, Abdoulaye Maiga, made the announcement on the telly late one evenin' while folks were celebratin' Eid al-Fitr, the end o' Ramadan. This country has been in turmoil since two coups in 2020, facin' not only political instability but also a rise in jihadi groups like al-Qaida and the scurvy dogs from the Islamic State.Col. Assimi Goita, who took over after the second coup, had promised to bring democracy back by 2024. But now they be postponin' the elections indefinitely, raisin' concerns from the United States about freedom and democracy.The move be seen as a response to criticism from political figures and the public, who be demandin' a quicker return to civilian rule. The junta be even kickin' out the French troops who were helpin' fight the insurgents, turnin' to Russian contractors instead. The future be lookin' murky for Mali, me hearties.

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