The Booty Report

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Arrr! Three scallywags met their match in a mighty avalanche in them Austrian Alps. May they rest in Davy Jones' locker.


Arrr mateys, three Dutch landlubbers met their doom in a treacherous avalanche near the Austrian ski haven of Soelden. But fear not, one lucky swashbuckler was saved and taken to the infirmary. The sea be a harsh mistress, but she spares a soul or two!

Arrr, me hearties! In the land of Austria, near the ski haven of Soelden, a treacherous avalanche struck down three souls from the Netherlands who were on a jolly skiing and hiking adventure. Aye, another poor soul was snatched from the jaws of death and taken to a hospital for mending.Reports say a band of 17 Dutch travelers, accompanied by four Austrian mountain guides, were making their way towards a refuge up yonder at 8,200 feet above the briny sea when the avalanche, a mighty beast 262 feet wide, came crashing down upon them just afore 11 in the morn.The mountain rescue crew lamented the loss of three Dutch mates, while one lucky soul was plucked from beneath the snow and whisked away to a hospital in Zams. The Netherlands' foreign ministry be sending their finest to investigate this tragedy and offer aid if needed.The avalanche warning in Tyrol province was at a middlin' level, but wise folk be warnin' of more snowslides caused by loose powder. So, me hearties, take heed and tread carefully on them snowy slopes lest ye be swept away like leaves in a gale!

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