The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye scallywags! Pentagon bigwig be sailin' to Israel, reckonin' on a Persian scuffle. Shiver me timbers!


Arrr! The land lubbers in the U.S. be holdin' their breath fer a mighty retaliation from the scallywags in Iran after them pesky Israelis went and sent a few scurvy commanders to Davy Jones' locker in Syria. Avast! It be a right kerfuffle on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags in the U.S. be shakin' in their boots, expectin' a fierce retaliation from the landlubbers in Iran after the crafty Israelis be takin' out some of their top commanders in Syria. Aye, the seas be churnin' with rumors of war and the salty dogs in Washington be on high alert for a counterattack from the Persian pirates.

But fear not, me hearties! The U.S. be standin' strong, ready to defend their plunder and booty from any threat that comes their way. The cannons be primed, the swords be sharpened, and the parrots be squ historians. is.e entire on of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of a of of many of of and The

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What the future holds, we shall see, but one thing be clear - the seas be a dangerous place, and only the boldest and fiercest be able to survive. So man the rigging, hoist the Jolly Roger, and prepare for whatever may come our way! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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