The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the O.J. Simpson White Bronco be on display in a museum in Tennessee, yarrr!


Arrr! The ship that Simpson scurried away in while 95 million landlubbers gazed upon their boxes is now on exhibit at the Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Go see it, me hearties, and marvel at the daring escape!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up to this tale of thievery and escape! The scallywag known as Simpson made a daring getaway in front of millions of landlubbers, fleeing in a vehicle as they watched in disbelief. But fear not, for justice eventually caught up with him, and now his getaway vessel is on display at the Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
Imagine the audacity of that scurvy dog, thinking he could outrun the long arm of the law! But alas, he was mistaken, and now his ill-gotten gains have become a piece of history for all to see. So next time ye find yerself in Pigeon Forge, be sure to pay a visit to the museum and marvel at the vehicle that carried Simpson on his doomed escape.
It's a reminder that no matter how crafty a pirate may be, the authorities will always be on the lookout for them. So take heed, me hearties, and remember that crime doesn't pay in the end. And who knows, ye might even learn a thing or two about the ways of the criminal underworld while ye gaze upon Simpson's infamous getaway car.

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