The Booty Report

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Aye, the old man be battlin' the seas to find a remedy for his lad's cursed ailment! Arrr!


Arrr! Me hearties, Father Fernando Goldszstein be on a quest to plunder millions of doubloons to seek a cure for a rare brain scallywag called Medulloblstoma that be afflictin' his swashbucklin' son at a tender age o' 7. May the winds o' fortune blow in his favor!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, young Frederico Goldsztein faced a scurvy diagnosis of Medulloblastoma, a treacherous brain tumor. Aye, the lad, now 17, sailed through life in Brazil with his kin, delighting in schoolin' and the likes of Agatha Christie. But alas, the dark clouds of illness descended upon him."Arrr, 'tis the worst news a parent could hear," lamented his father, Fernando Goldsztein. The cruel fate of cancer cast a shadow over the lad, robbin' him of his youth and vigor.Yet, a glimmer of hope emerged on the horizon for 500 families each year facin' this dreadful foe. Through the courage of Fernando and the healers at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C., a breakthrough be within reach. Aye, a crew of top-notch scallywags be assembled to plunder this brain tumor, settin' sail for uncharted waters of treatment and cure.With two FDA-approved treatments on the horizon, includin' the mystical power of mRNA technology, young buccaneers like Frederico may soon find safe harbor from the storm of Medulloblastoma. Every doubloon raised be a step closer to victory against this fearsome enemy of childhood."Onward we sail, me hearties, for the seas of medicine be turbulent but our resolve be steadfast," declared Fernando. Through unity and support, these young swashbucklers may yet see the dawn of a new day, free from the shadow of the dread pirate Medulloblastoma.

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