The Booty Report

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Avast ye scoundrels! The Dominican officials be investigatin' a matey for plunderin' a lass of tender age. Aye, shameful deed!


Avast ye mateys! The scallywag immigration officer be under scrutiny in the Dominican Republic for allegedly plunderin' the virtue of a lass just 14 years of age near Punta Cana! 'Tis a scandal fit for Davy Jones' locker! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys! In the land of Santo Domingo, the authorities be investigatin' a scallywag immigration officer accused of rapin' a lass of only 14 years! The poor lass be from nearby Haiti, and her mother be claimin' the vile deed happened near the fancy resort town of Punta Cana, after the scoundrel broke into their humble abode. Aye, 'tis a treacherous tale indeed! A human rights activist named Santiago Molina be sayin' the deed took place while the officers be searchin' homes in an area called Verón, where them migrants from Haiti be dwellin'. The poor lass's mother be toilin' at work when the assault be takin' place, and now their family be facin' harassment because of it. The General Directorate of Migration be swearin' that if the officer be found guilty, he shall face the wrath of justice! The Associated Press be keepin' the identity of the lass's mother a secret, protectin' her privacy in this dark hour. 'Tis a tragic tale of injustice and violation in the Caribbean seas!

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