The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs! Autopsy be makin' a mistake with the ketamine, addin' to the woes of the balloon pilot's demise! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! The pilot, Cornelius van der Walt, met his untimely demise in a crash in Arizona alongside three others. The scallywags claim he had ketamine in his veins, but 'twas only the medics tryin' to save 'im after the calamity! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen here to this tale of woe and mystery on the high seas of the desert! The brave pilot Cornelius van der Walt met his unfortunate end in a crash in the wild lands of Arizona, takin' three souls with him to Davy Jones' locker. But hold fast, for the plot thickens like a stew left out in the sun!

Ye see, the doctors poked and prodded at poor Cornelius' body and found a strange substance called ketamine in his veins. But fear not, for 'twas not the hand of a rogue pirate that put it there! Nay, 'twas the medics tendin' to his wounds after the crash who administered the ketamine to ease his pain.

So let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties. Though the seas be treacherous and the skies unforgivin', sometimes the truth be hidden beneath the surface like a kraken lurkin' in the depths. Keep a weather eye out for the unexpected, and may ye sail safely through the storms of fate. Arrr!

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