The Booty Report

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Arrr! The O.J. Simpson trial be makin' comics walk the plank with their roasts, matey! Aye, a fine mess!


Arrr, Norm Macdonald and Jay Leno be prattlin' on about them double homicides so much, ye'd think they were tryin' to solve the mystery themselves! David Letterman be standin' out like a landlubber for not joinin' in on the japes. Har, har!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up as I spin ye a tale of two jolly jesters, Norm Macdonald and Jay Leno, who be makin' light of a dark deed - the double homicides! These scallywags brought the topic up so often that even ol' David Letterman couldn't help but notice their japes.
With their quick wit and sharp tongues, Macdonald and Leno turned a somber subject into a laughin' matter, much to the amusement of their audience. Their jests bein' as sharp as a cutlass, they sailed through the treacherous waters of taboo topics with ease, provokin' chuckles and snickers wherever they went.
But beware, me hearties! Not all be findin' their humor in good taste. Some landlubbers be clutchin' their pearls and callin' for the jesters to walk the plank. Yet Macdonald and Leno be standin' firm, unafraid to walk the line between funny and offensive.
So next time ye hear of a dark deed, remember the tale of these two jesters and their fearless humor. And let out a hearty laugh, for in the end, 'tis all just a joke, me mateys!

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