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Arr! The 2022 draft be a fine map to parley with the landlubbers of Russia and Ukraine, says the Kremlin!


Arrr, me hearties! Russia be claimin' that a draft paper from 2022 with Ukraine be the beginnin' of peace talks, but they be admittin' that a whole heap o' things have changed since that time. Avast ye, the seas be ever-shifting!

In 2022, the Kremlin suggested that a draft Russia-Ukraine agreement could be a starting point for negotiations to end the ongoing conflict. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov mentioned that the draft document, discussed in Istanbul in March 2022, could serve as a basis for talks, considering the "new realities." Russia's annexation of Ukrainian regions in September 2022 has been condemned by Kyiv and Western allies as unlawful.Following Russian President Vladimir Putin's comments mocking potential peace talks hosted by Switzerland, he emphasized that Moscow would not accept enforced peace plans. Putin stated that while they are open to constructive work, any position must be based on reality. The Istanbul draft document, which included provisions for Ukraine's neutral status and limits on armed forces, could be utilized in negotiations.Russia has rejected Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's peace formula, citing the need to protect Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from becoming a security threat by joining NATO. Putin has vowed to continue advancing in Ukraine, claiming Russian forces have the upper hand. He believes Ukraine and the West will ultimately have to accept a settlement on Moscow's terms.

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