The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the land lubbers be sayin' we might not be their target! What a relief for us scallywags!


Arr matey! To prepare for the impending Iranian attacks, many nations, including the fine land of America, be tellin' their folk to be mindful of their travels in Israel and the nearby lands. Best be keepin' a weather eye out for trouble, me hearties!

Arr matey! Listen up me hearties! It be said that in preparation for the swashbucklin' Iranian strikes, many a country, includin' the mighty United States, have been givin' warnings to their landlubbers about sailin' in the waters near Israel and her neighbors. Aye, tis a treacherous sea we be sailin' in, me buckos!
But fear not, me hearty crew! These guidelines be meant to keep ye safe and sound on yer adventures. So mind the warnings and be sure to keep a weather eye out for any signs of danger. Ye wouldn't want to end up walkin' the plank now, would ye?
So heed the advice of yer leaders and take care on yer travels. And remember, a true pirate always knows when to be cautious and when to set sail for new horizons. Fair winds and followin' seas to ye all!

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