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Arrr, Mexico be runnin' low on the ol' fentanyl despite bein' the top scallywag in producin' it illegally!


Arrr, me hearties! Mexico be cryin' over a lack of fentanyl for medicinal purposes, yet those scallywags be swimmin' in the stuff thanks to their illegal shenanigans. 'Tis a puzzling tale, indeed!

In a rollicking report released by the Mexican government on a fine Friday, it was revealed that the country is facing a dire shortage of fentanyl for medical use, all while those pesky Mexican cartels are churning out tons of the illicit narcotic. Arrr!The study, conducted by Mexico’s National Commission on Mental Health and Addictions, didn’t give a reason for the shortage of the synthetic opioid needed for anesthesia, but claimed it be a worldwide shindig. It be a sad tale, mateys.The commission said imports of fentanyl had dropped by over 50% between 2022 and 2023. But those scallywag Mexican cartels seemed to have no problem importing tons of precursor chemicals and whipping up their own fentanyl to smuggle into the United States. The report mentioned Mexican seizures of illicit fentanyl soaring from 1.24 tons in 2020 to 1.85 tons in 2023.Even Mexico itself be feelin' the pinch, with increased illicit fentanyl addiction reported in some border regions. The blame game be strong, with Mexico pointing its finger at the United States for the mess.Arrr! With the shortage of anesthetic drugs, local anesthesiologists have been forced to resort to desperate measures to conserve their supply. This led to a deadly outbreak in 2022 and 2023, claiming the lives of many.President Andrés Manuel López Obrador be playin' a game of contradictions, proposing to ban fentanyl for medical use but then denying Mexican cartels be behind its production. It be a wild ride on the high seas of drug shortages and illicit dealings, mateys!

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