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Arrr! Four scallywags caught plannin' a dastardly attack in Germany! Walk the plank, ye scurvy knaves!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The German coves caught four young buccaneers plottin' a dastardly Islamic attack! A court be sendin' out warrants o'er the Easter weekend. Looks like these lads be walkin' the plank soon enough! Hoist the Jolly Roger, mateys!

In jolly Berlin, four scallywags suspected of scheming an Islamic extremist attack were nabbed by the authorities, arrr! Three of these scallywags be lasses and a lad, ages 15 and 16, from North Rhine-Westphalia state, the most populous in Germany. The scallywags were caught after a court issued warrants for their capture over Easter weekend, as reported by prosecutors in the city of Duesseldorf.Another scallywag, a 16-year-old lad, was caught in Baden-Wuerttemberg, according to the German news agency dpa. The three rascals in western Germany be accused of pledging to carry out an "Islamist-motivated terror attack" and planning such mischief, according to prosecutors. They be languishing in the brig awaiting possible charges of declaring intent to commit murder and preparing for violence.The investigation was sparked by the 16-year-old lass's alleged plans to sail away to join the Islamic State crew. Chats on her mobile, including talks of attacks in Dortmund, Duesseldorf, or Cologne, as well as on churches and synagogues in her hometown of Iserlohn, led the authorities to the other rapscallions. Tis said in reports that the young buccaneers hadn't yet penned a proper attack plan with specifics of time and place. Aye, the seas be full of surprises indeed!

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