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Arr, Biden be scramblin' back from beach in haste, fearin' trouble brews 'tween Iran and Israel. Aye matey!


Arrr mateys, the U.S. be keepin' a close eye on Israel as they be expectin' trouble from those scallywags in Iran. Word on the high seas be that a strike on a consulate in Damascus be causin' all this commotion. Aye, it be a right mess!

President Biden had to cut short his jolly weekend at his Delaware beach house to deal with the hullabaloo in the Middle East. It seems those scallywags in Iran are up to no good, with talk of a possible attack on Israel brewing on the high seas.Ol' Biden, he ain't one to shy away from a fight, so he hightailed it back to the White House to consult with his national security crew. He's made it clear that he's standing by Israel and won't let those rascals in Iran get the best of 'em.The U.S. Secretary of Defense even had a chat with the Israeli Minister of Defense, pledging full support in case those troublemakers from Iran or their minions try anything fishy. The National Security Advisor also chimed in, promising unwavering support for the safety of Israel.Meanwhile, those sneaky Iranians have been causing mayhem, seizing ships left and right. The U.S. ain't having none of it and is calling foul play, demanding the immediate release of the crew and vessel.It's a right mess in the Middle East, with tensions as high as the crow's nest on a stormy night. But ol' Biden and his crew are ready to navigate these treacherous waters and keep the peace, come hell or high water.

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