The Booty Report

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Arr, Israel used their fancy Iron Dome and Arrow 3 to fend off the scallywags' attack, aye!


Avast ye scallywags! Israel be usin' their Iron Dome to thwart them pesky rockets flyin' through the skies, and their Arrow 3 be knockin' out them ballistic missiles like a true buccaneer. Arrr, they be protectin' their booty from all angles!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags! Israel be protectin' itself with some fancy contraptions they be callin' the Iron Dome and Arrow 3. The Iron Dome be like a mighty shield that intercepts them rockets flyin' in high arcs, keepin' the land safe from harm. And let me tell ye about the Arrow 3, mateys. This beauty can stop them ballistic missiles even outside the atmosphere, like a true hero defendin' the realm.
So next time ye be thinkin' about causin' trouble in Israel, ye better think twice, me hearties. They be ready to swat them missiles away like a cat playin' with a mouse. The Iron Dome and Arrow 3 be standin' tall, protectin' the land and its people from any threat that comes their way. So let this be a lesson to ye all – mess with Israel, and ye be facin' the wrath of their mighty defense systems. Arrr!

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