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Arr, them scallywags be condemnin' Iran's sneaky attack on Israel! We stand with Israel, ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs of Iran be condemned by the international leaders for their attack on Israel! We stand by Israel's right to defend themselves and be secure. Ye best beware, Iran, for the wrath of the high seas be upon ye!

Arrr, me hearties! International world leaders be joinin' forces to condemn Iran's cowardly drone and missile attacks on Israel, callin' for peace in the treacherous waters of the Middle East. The likes of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak be raisin' his cutlass against Iran's reckless attack, swearin' to stand by Israel and her allies like Jordan and Iraq.Ahoy, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau be echoin' the sentiment, condemnin' Iran's aerial assaults and pledgin' support for Israel's right to defend herself. Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock be warnin' that Iran's actions could spell chaos for the entire region, demandin' an immediate halt to the attacks.Israel's ambassador to the U.S. be demandin' accountability from Iran for the violent escalation, while President Biden be movin' military forces to bolster Israel's defenses. Biden be callin' a summit with G7 leaders to coordinate a united response to Iran's brazen attack, vowing to protect the security of Israel and all who sail these perilous seas.

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