The Booty Report

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Arrr! Prince Harry be strutting on the polo field, showin' off for the scurvy dogs at Netflix! Arrr matey!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis said that the Duke of Sussex did battle in a match in South Florida on Friday, a mere day after the decree that he be embarking on a new Netflix venture relating to the noble sport of polo. Avast, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! The Duke of Sussex be showin' off his skills on the polo field in South Florida just a day after the news broke that he be workin' on a fancy Netflix project about the sport. Aye, that be a right busy schedule for a nobleman!
Ye see, the Duke be a fine player, ridin' his trusty steed and swingin' his mallet with great finesse. 'Tis no surprise he be attractin' attention from the likes of Netflix for such a project.
But let's not forget, me mateys, that the Duke be no stranger to the limelight. 'Tis a family of royals, after all, and they be used to all eyes bein' on 'em.
So here's to the Duke of Sussex, may his polo matches be victorious and his Netflix project be a hit! Arr, he be a true swashbuckler of the modern age!

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