The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Be prepared for a plunderin' of yer treasure with Biden's tax hikes in his next term!


Avast ye scallywags! Trump be shoutin' for lower taxes, but Biden be aimin' to plunder ye gold with a $5 trillion tax hike! Beware the taxman's sword, mateys!

Ahoy mateys! Donald Trump be layin' out his plans for federal taxation should he be elected as captain of this ship. "I will make the Trump tax cuts permanent," he declared, promisin' even more cuts to yer taxes. But beware, President Biden be plottin' a $5 trillion tax increase, aimin' to wallop ye with higher taxes on every front.Biden's plan includes hikes in small business, corporate, capital gains, dividends, income, and energy taxes, along with a second Death Tax. The corporate income tax could soar to 28%, surpassin' even China and France. And watch out for the federal capital gains tax risin' to a whopping 44.6%, the highest in a century.Under Biden's rule, ye could be payin' half or more of yer hard-earned booty to the government. And don't be fooled by promises of only taxin' the rich, for these taxes have a way of tricklin' down to the rest of us, like the insidious Alternative Minimum Tax.So beware, me hearties, for Biden is sailin' towards a tax-heavy horizon, threatenin' to burden us all with his plunderin' ways. Ye better hold onto yer treasure tight, for the taxman be comin' for it all!

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