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Arrr! Biden's gentle stance bein' like feedin' a hungry shark! Iran thinks it can be takin' on Israel now!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis a fierce battle brewin' betwixt Iran and Israel! Some scallywags be shoutin' for Biden to quit his fancy talkin' and face the music from Tehran. Avast ye, it be a tale of high seas diplomacy gone awry!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, American and Israeli experts be throwin' some heavy shade at President Biden for his alleged timid Iran policy after them scallywags in Tehran launched a massive aerial warfare attack on the Jewish state over the weekend. Arrr!The Islamic Republic fired off direct missile and drone strikes into Israeli territory for the first time ever. This here dramatic turn of events in the heart of the Middle East has folks callin' on the Biden administration to change their apparently soft approach to them ayatollahs runnin' the theocratic state. Biden be now tellin' Israel to buckle down and brace fer a counterstrike.Richard Goldberg, a former member of President Trump's National Security Council, be tellin' Fox News Digital, "This was a massive, unprecedented and unacceptable strategic attack on Israel." He be sayin' it be a huge mistake to hold Israel back from strikin' back, but it be downright insanity to be keepin' $10 billion available to them scurvy dogs in Tehran. The president needs to lock down all that money he been handin' out to 'em these past months, matey!In January, an Iranian-sponsored attack took the lives of three U.S. soldiers in Jordan. Critics be sayin' that the $10 billion Biden be givin' to Iran be like gold doubloons that can be used to build up their military might. If Biden don't be takin' action by cuttin' off that gold, reinforcin' them oil sanctions, and snappin' back them U.N. sanctions, it ain't avoidin' escalation—it be continuin' to appease the enemy.White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby be defendin' Biden's actions, sayin' the administration been tough on Tehran with them sanctions and such. But former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe be sayin' that Biden's actions be makin' Israel bold and Iran bolder. Yaakov Katz, an expert on Israeli security, be sayin' it be time to change course in dealin' with Iran, as the current strategy ain't workin'.

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