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Arrr! The Philippine king says, "Nay to more US invaders settin' foot on our sacred ground!"


Arrr mateys! The Philippine President, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., swears on his pirate's honor that he won't be lettin' the scurvy dogs of the U.S. military set foot on any more of the Philippines' precious army camps. Aye, let them find their own treasure elsewhere!

Avast ye mateys! The Philippine president be sayin' that his crew ain't plannin' on givin' the U.S. military more access to their army camps. Arr! He be makin' it clear that the American swashbucklers be lurkin' in the Philippine waters because of China's aggressive antics in the South China Sea.Captain Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who came into power in 2022, be lettin' the American scallywags and their weapons into four more Philippine military bases, bringin' the total to nine. Aye, 'tis all part of a 2014 agreement that allows the U.S. buccaneers to rotate in and out indefinitely.The Biden crew be strengthenin' their alliances in the region to stand against China, a move that be alignin' with the Philippines' efforts to bolster their defenses, especially in the South China Sea, me hearties.The decision by Marcos last year be makin' China see red, as two of the new bases be sittin' right across from Taiwan and southern China. Beijing be accusin' the Philippines of aidin' the American dogs in underminin' their security."No more bases for you," Marcos declared, in response to questions about Chinese actions. He be standin' by the presence of U.S. forces as a reaction to China's aggression in the South China Sea.Under Marcos' rule, the Philippines be showin' the world the audacious actions of China by lettin' journalists witness the confrontations at sea. 'Tis crucial for the media to expose these actions that threaten peace and stability in the region, the captain emphasized.China be blamin' the Philippines for stirrin' up trouble by trespassin' into what they claim as their waters. Marcos be denyin' any such agreement and standin' firm in defense of his crew and territory.Last week, President Biden pledged to stand by his Pacific allies, includin' the Philippines, in the face of any attack. The commitment to defend the Philippines against any harm from the enemy be as strong as steel, he declared.

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