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An American landlubber be standin' before a Russian court accused o' drug peddlin'! Shiver me timbers, what a tale!


Arrr me hearties! Robert "Woodland" Romanov, a scallywag from the land of the stars and stripes, be standin' trial in the grand city of Moscow for peddlin' in forbidden substances. 'Tis a tale as old as the seas themselves!

Avast ye landlubbers! A scallywag by the name of Robert Woodland Romanov, a U.S. citizen, be standing trial in Moscow for trafficking illegal drugs as part of an organized group. This be a serious offense in the eyes of the law, punishable by up to 20 years in the brig. The trial began in March, and the scallywag was remanded into custody in January.The U.S. State Department be keepin' a weather eye on the situation, claimin' that the safety of U.S. citizens be their top priority. The accused's name be makin' waves in the Russian media, matchin' that of a man who claimed to be born in the Ural Mountains and adopted by Americans. He be tellin' tales of searchin' for his Russian mother and settlin' in Russia as an English teacher.Arrrr, these arrests of Americans in Russia be happenin' more and more as relations between the two countries hit rock bottom. The scallywags be caught in a dangerous game of political chess, with some bein' swapped for Russians held by the U.S. while others be left stranded in Davy Jones' locker.

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