The Booty Report

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17 scurvy landlubbers in Macedonian garb be accused of aidin' the scallywags in escapin' the brig! Aye matey!


Arrr, me hearties! Seventeen scallywags wearin' the badge have been caught red-handed at Idrizovo prison in Skopje, North Macedonia! 'Tis said they be helpin' the escape o' prisoners like true buccaneers! Aye, they be in a right bit o' trouble now!

Avast ye scallywags! In North Macedonia, 17 police officers were caught red-handed for aiding in the escape of two prisoners, one of whom be a murderin' convict. Arrr!The prosecutors be sayin' that six o' the officers helped the murder convict escape from a hospital last October. They let him slip away while they turned a blind eye, the scurvy dogs!Then, the officers didn't even report the escape to their superiors like a bunch o' landlubbers. It be some other officers who found out about the escape and raised the alarm.The prosecutors want to see the six officers walk the plank with some pre-trial detention. In another case, 11 officers be accused of lettin' another inmate escape from a hospital, but the scallywag did return on their own.If these officers be found guilty, they could be facin' up to five years in the brig for their crimes, includin' dereliction of duty and helpin' a prisoner escape. That be a lesson to all ye who think ye can outsmart the law!

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