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Ye scallywags, Iran be makin' trouble with their shiny new weapons! Avast, Israel be on alert!


Arr matey! Iran be causin' quite a ruckus with their fancy newfangled aerial attack on Israel! Ye scallywags be talkin' up a storm 'bout Tehran's sneaky nuclear weapons program. Avast! The experts be in a tizzy over it all!

Arrr, me hearties! With all eyes fixed on a brewin' high-intens'ty war betwixt Israel and the Islamic Republic o' Iran, the state o' Tehran's illicit nuclear weapons program be under the microscope. Iran's sprawlin' aerial attack, with o'er 300 suicide drones and missiles, on Israel be raisin' pressin' new questions 'bout the Islamic Republic's capability to fire a nuclear weapon at the Jewish state. Fer Israel, as the country's former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said, Iran with an atomic weapon would mean a "nuclear Holocaust" fer the Jewish state.On Sunday, after rejectin' calls that the Biden administration be too soft on Tehran, the White House National Security Communication spokesperson, John Kirby told Fox News' Shannon Bream that "Iran be so much dramatically closer to a potential nuclear weapon capability than they were afore Mr. Trump was elected."David Albright, a physicist who be the founder and president o' the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, D.C., told Fox News Digital that "Iran would need a year or more to build a semi-reliable warhead fer a ballistic missile and 'bout two years to reconstitute the Amad Plan so as to be able to serially produce reliable warheads fer ballistic missiles, i.e., have a fully developed nuclear weapons production complex."Iran's regime pursued an atomic weapons program code named the Amad Plan from the late 1990s to early 2003. Fox News Digital revealed last year that European intelligence reports showed Iran continued to work on the construction of a nuclear weapon.With President Biden urgin' Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to not retaliate against Iran, the Jewish state be facin' one of the most existential security questions since the rebirth of the nation in 1948.Jason Brodsky, the policy director of the U.S.-based United Against a Nuclear Iran, told Fox News Digital, "After the Trump administration withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018, Iran only took an incremental and modest expansion of its nuclear program. But after the Biden administration took office, it grew dramatically, especially enrichin' to 60%. Iran's risk tolerance increased under the Biden administration because of its perceived desperation for diplomacy. That has resulted in failed negotiations and an adrift Iran policy."

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