The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scallywags! Bogota be in a drought, so mind yer water or walk the plank! Aye!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Carlos Fernando Galán, the mayor of Bogotá in Colombia, be demandin' a ransom for those who dare to use more than 22 cubic meters of water per month! 'Tis all in the name of preventin' a drought, says he. Arrr!

In the fair city of Bogotá, the mayor hath declared new decrees to lessen the use of water among its eight million souls. A drought brought forth by the El Niño hath forced officials to ration water and bid residents to alter their bathing habits.Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán hath proclaimed that households consuming more than 22 cubic meters shall face extra charges. He hath also threatened fines up to $300 for those who wash their chariots upon the streets.Verily, the city buses, once cleansed daily, shall now be washed but once a week. For sanitary purposes, the insides shall yet be cleansed each day.Water scarcity is rare in Bogotá, nestled amongst the Andes and verdant fields. Yet, the dry spell brought by El Niño hath dwindled the reservoirs and kindled forest fires in January.The Chingaza Reservoir System, the city's main aqua font, stands at a mere 15% capacity, its lowest ebb e'er. Experts warn that without rain, the wells could run dry in two moons.Thus, the city hath imposed a rationing plan, dividing its districts into nine zones. Each zone shall endure a day without water in rotation.Galán reports a slight drop in water usage since the rationing began, yet more changes in behavior are needed. Citizens art urged to limit showers to five minutes, shut off taps whilst brushing, and forego daily bathing.

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