The Booty Report

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Arrr, did three swarthy scallywags allow a cunning Chinaman to claim victory in the race in Beijing? Aye!


Arrr! The scallywags be investigatin' the Beijing Half Marathon results, as three runners from Kenya and Ethiopia seemed to be helpin' a Chinese matey cross the finish line afore them. Aye, there be some fishy business goin' on in these waters!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, there be some tomfoolery afoot at the Beijing Half Marathon! Three runners from Kenya and Ethiopia be caught on camera waving a Chinese runner past them before the finish line. Blimey! It be like they be lettin' him win the race without a fight!

Now, the organizers be scratchin' their heads tryin' to figure out what in the seven seas be goin' on. Be it a true act of sportsmanship or a sly trick to make the Chinese runner look good? Who knows, but it be makin' quite the spectacle!

Arrr, I reckon the Kenyan and Ethiopian buccaneers be havin' a laugh at the Chinese lad's expense. But ye know what they say, all be fair in love and pirate races! Let's just hope the Chinese runner be grateful for the easy win and not be walkin' the plank for cheatin'!

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