The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scallywags be gettin' a chance to watch 'Let It Be' after 54 years on Disney+! Aye, aye!


Arrr, mateys! Michael Lindsay-Hogg's forgotten tale, the inspiration for Peter Jackson's "Get Back," be settin' sail on Disney+. Be it a hidden treasure or a cursed relic, ye best be keepin' a weather eye on this here documentary! Aye, the rum be flowin'!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The ol' documentary film by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, which some scallywags be callin' unloved or misinterpreted, be comin' to ye screens on Disney+. Aye, it be the very source o' that newfangled "Get Back" by Peter Jackson, so ye best be payin' attention!
Now, some landlubbers might be thinkin' this film be lackin' in treasure, but I say nay! 'Tis a hidden gem, waitin' to be discovered like a buried chest of gold. So gather round, me hearties, and give it a watch.
Ye might be surprised by what ye find, me fellow pirates. 'Tis a glimpse into the lives o' the legendary Beatles, their music, and their adventures on the high seas of showbiz. And who knows, ye might just find yerself laughin' like a jolly sailor at the antics o' these musical scoundrels.
So mark ye calendars, me mateys, and prepare to set sail on a voyage of music and mayhem. Michael Lindsay-Hogg's documentary be ready to entertain and delight, so don't be missin' out on the fun. Arrr!

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