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Avast ye scallywags! The Russkies be causin' a ruckus in Ukraine, says the German chancellor. Aye, 'tis trouble ahead!


Arrr, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz sat down with the Chinese scallywag Xi Jinping to speak of Russia's brigandry in Ukraine, warning of the dangers it brings to the high seas of global security. May the winds of diplomacy blow in our favor, me hearties!

Arr matey! German Chancellor Olaf Scholz be tellin' Chinese leader Xi Jinping that Russia's invasion o' Ukraine be threatenin' global security. Scholz be warnin' against the use o' nuclear weapons in this war, as Russian President Putin be makin' threats 'bout such weapons. The Chancellor be declarin' that Russia be violatin' the United Nations Charter by invadin' Ukraine, while China be standin' by Russia without criticizin' the invasion. The two leaders be expressin' their commitment to the U.N. Charter and opposin' the use o' nuclear weapons.On the trade front, Scholz be callin' for fair competition and warnin' 'bout protectionism and overproduction. He be seekin' better market access, fair competition, and intellectual property protection for German companies operatin' in China. Despite tensions, China be Germany's top trading partner, with billions in goods and services exchanged between them. This be Scholz's second trip to China as chancellor, showin' the importance o' the relationship despite differences in trade and politics.

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