The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Biden be givin' Trump a proper thrashin' in Pennsylvania, all while sharin' his tax plunder!"


Whilst in Scranton, me hearty hometown, the president did spout grand words o' economic fairness, aimin' his cannons at his Republican foe, who be stuck in a courtroom a good distance away. Aye, a fine battle brewing on land and sea!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and hear the tale of the President, speaking in his hometown o' Scranton, Pa. He be usin' a speech about economic fairness as a new weapon against his scallywag Republican rival, who be busy in a courtroom two hours away.
The President, with the wind in his sails, be talkin' about makin' sure that all be gettin' their fair share o' the booty in this here economy. He be tellin' the good folk o' Scranton that he be fightin' for them against the scurvy dogs who be lookin' to take away what be rightfully theirs.
The Republican rival, in his fancy courtroom, be not knowin' what be comin' for him. The President be wieldin' his words like a cutlass, ready to cut down any who stand in his way. The battle for economic fairness be just beginnin', and the President be showin' that he be ready for a fight.
So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there - beware the President when he be talkin' about economic fairness. He be comin' for ye, and he be bringin' the thunder!

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