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Arrr! Ghostly vessel of 9 lost souls drifts ashore in Brazil, bodies in tow. Aye, creepy tale to be told!


Arrr! 'Twas a sight to behold on the high seas! A vessel filled with the souls of nine brave adventurers from Mali and Mauritania, adrift in the vast Atlantic off the shores of Brazil. May they find peace in Davy Jones' locker. Aye!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Brazilian police be investigatin' a ghastly discovery of a boat full o' corpses, believin' the dead be African migrants from lands such as Mali and Mauritania.Fishermen off Brazil's northern coastal state o' Pará stumbled upon the boat adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil's Federal police announced findin' nine dead in total."Documents and objects near the bodies suggest the victims hailed from the African continent, specifically Mauritania and Mali," the police stated. They also mentioned the possibility of other nationalities among the deceased.The boat be a roughly 39-foot-long white and blue vessel, resemblin' Mauritanian fishing pirogues commonly used by West African migrants headin' for Spain’s Canary Islands, indicatin' Brazil was not their intended stop.The route from West Africa to the European Union be treacherous, with boats gettin' lost and driftin' for months due to Atlantic winds and currents. Many migrants perish from thirst and hunger, while some plunge into the sea in desperation.Recent reports show a significant increase in migration from northwest Africa to Spain, worryin' European authorities. Despite agreements between the EU and Mauritania, most departures still originate from the West African nation.Over 13,000 migrants have made it to the Canaries this year, but hundreds remain missin'. Families in Mauritania have formed a "national commission" to search for their loved ones, closely followin' news of the boat discovered in Brazil.The Brazilian federal police continue to toil in identifyin' the bodies and determinin' the cause of death, a challengin' task given the advanced state o' decay.

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