The Booty Report

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Arrr, Israel and Iran be stealin' all the thunder from the scallywags in Gaza with their quarrels on the high seas!


Arr matey! The scallywags be pressurin' Israel to keep their cannons quiet, lest they light the fuse for a full blown sea skirmish! Let's hope ol' Benjamin Netanyahu heeds their warning, or we'll all be walkin' the plank!

Arrr mateys, the scallywags of the international community be pressurin' Israel's leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to steer clear of a course of action that could plunge the whole region into a war o' epic proportions. They be warnin' him to mind his manners and not be causin' a ruckus that could lead to a full-blown conflict.
These landlubbers be talkin' about keepin' the peace and avoidin' any squabbles that could spiral out of control. They be tellin' Netanyahu to think before he acts, lest he be drawin' the ire of his neighbors and settin' off a chain o' events that nobody wants to see.
So, me hearties, it seems that the pressure be on the Prime Minister to be a wise old sea dog and not be takin' any reckless actions that could lead to a tempest the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time. Let's hope that Netanyahu heeds the warnings of the international community and steers his ship clear of troubled waters.

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