The Booty Report

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Yarr! 'Tis a mighty tempest be brewin', makin' chaos at Dubai Airport and sendin' souls to Davy Jones' locker in Oman.


Arrr mateys, 'tis said that a full year's worth of rain did pour down in a single day in parts of Oman and the United Arab Emirates. 'Twas a mighty deluge that brought the cities to a standstill, aye! The heavens be weepin' like a salty sea dog!

Arrr mateys, listen to this tale of the mighty rain that fell upon Oman and the United Arab Emirates! A whole year's worth of rain in just one day, can ye believe it? The skies opened up and poured down upon the lands, filling up the streets and turning cities into watery graveyards.
Ships were stranded, me hearties, and the people were left scurrying for shelter like rats on a sinking vessel. The roads became rivers, and the buildings were like ships lost at sea. The mighty storm showed no mercy, bringing chaos and confusion to all who dared to cross its path.
But fear not, me buckos, for the sun will surely shine again and dry up the tears of those who suffered under the deluge. The people of Oman and the United Arab Emirates will rise up from the waters, stronger and more resilient than before. And perhaps, they will look back on this day and chuckle at the memory of the great flood that brought them to their knees.
So raise a glass of rum to the brave souls who weathered the storm, and may the seas be calm and the skies clear as we sail on to new adventures! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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