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Arrr, the scallywag president of Iran be swearin' to obliterate Israel if they dare step foot on 'er land!


Arrr, the scallywag president of Iran be talkin' tough at a parade, swearin' to send Israel to Davy Jones' locker if they dare cross swords with 'em. Methinks he be havin' a bit too much grog!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Iran's president be swearin' on his mother's grave to lay waste to Israel should they dare to set foot on his shores! President Ebrahim Raisi, that scallywag, be talkin' tough at a parade, warnin' Israel of a fierce response after Iran's recent missile and drone attack. The lad claims Israel be responsible for an attack in Syria that took the lives of some of his own kin.He be sayin' that if provoked further, Iran would wipe Israel off the map quicker than ye can say "walk the plank." The White House be slappin' new sanctions on Iran, but the tension between these two nations be hotter than the flames of Davy Jones' locker.Israel be showin' off its fancy missile-interceptin' gadgets, but they be keepin' mum on their next move. The whole situation be like watchin' a sword fight between two mighty foes, with their allies beggin' for peace like a parrot beggin' for a cracker.This ain't no ordinary spat between nations, mateys. This be a showdown between ancient enemies, with no end in sight. Will they bury the hatchet or keep fightin' till the seas run dry? Only time will tell in this epic saga of war and woe.

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