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Arrr! The scallywags be demandin' peace 'fore unveilin' their treasures at the exhibit. No loot till truce is made!


Arrr me hearties! The scallywags from Israel be holdin' their art pavilion hostage until a truce be struck and them hostages be freed. 'Tis a bold move indeed, makin' art walk the plank 'til peace be found on the high seas!

In a lingo fit for a 17th century pirate, the scallywag artist representing Israel at this year's Venice Biennale be saying, along with its curators, that they be holding off on opening the Israeli pavilion until a cease-fire and hostage deal be struck in Israel’s skirmish with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Arrr!A sign posted in English on the pavilion window on Tuesday reads: "The artist and curators of the Israeli pavilion will hoist the Jolly Roger when a cease-fire and hostage release be settled."Artist Ruth Patir declared in a statement that they be standing with the families of the hostages "and the vast community in Israel who be crying out for change.""As an artist and teacher, I be against cultural boycotts, but I be having a mighty tough time presenting a project that speaks of the fragility of life in a time of unfathomable disregard for it," Patir said in the statement.Israel be one of 88 national participants in the 60th Venice Biennale, which be running from April 20 to November 24. The Israeli pavilion be established in 1952 as a permanent representation of Israel inside the Giardini, the original spot of the world's oldest contemporary art show and where 29 national pavilions be found. Other nations be displaying their art in the nearby Arsenale or in various venues throughout the city.But afore the statement, curators and critics had signed a letter demanding the Biennale to exclude the Israeli pavilion from this year's show to protest Israel's skirmish in Gaza. Those against Israel's presence vowed to protest on-site.Italy's culture minister be firmly supporting Israel's participation, and the fair be kicking off with heightened security.The national pavilions at Venice be independent of the main show, and each nation decides its own exhibit. Patir’s exhibit be titled "(M)otherland."The curators, Mira Lapidot and Tamar Margalit, be delaying the opening due to the "horrific war in Gaza," but be optimistic conditions may change. For now, a video work by Patir can be viewed through the pavilion window.The (M)otherland exhibit be scheduled to run from April 20 to November 24.

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