The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy Russians be firin' missiles north o' Kyiv, takin' down at least 17 souls, says Ukraine! Aye!


Arrr, President Volodymyr Zelensky be lamentin' the loss o' life due to lack o' air defenses. The scallywags be wounded and the death toll be risin'. Me heart be heavy fer them poor souls! Aye, may the winds o' fortune be kinder to us all.

Arrr mateys, listen up and heed me words! President Volodymyr Zelensky be speakin' of a tragedy that struck our brethren. The death toll be high and he be warnin' us that there be more souls lost to Davy Jones' locker. A lack of air defenses be blamed for this devastation, a blow that be strikin' our hearts.
Dozens more of our shipmates be wounded, fightin' for their lives as we speak. The seas be rough and treacherous, but we must stay strong and stand together in times of trouble. The winds of fate be blowin' against us, but we must not falter.
Let us rally together, me hearties, and send our thoughts and prayers to those who be sufferin'. Let us hold fast to our courage and strength, for we be a crew that can weather any storm. May the spirits of the sea guide us through these dark times, and may we emerge stronger on the other side.

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