The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Nine landlubbers, bein' an Air Canada swab, caught in $14.5 million gold plunder! Aye, the gallows await!


Arrr! The pilfered doubloons were put to good use in acquiring cannons set fer the Great White North, as per the constabulary. Such a tale of plunder and firepower befitting a scallywag's wildest dreams!

Arr matey, it be a tale of treachery and thievery! The scallywags done stole gold, precious gold, and used it to buy cannons fit for a pirate ship! But instead of sailin' the high seas, they be sendin' 'em cannons to Canada, eh? Aye, the lawmen caught wind of their scheme and put a stop to it, no doubt. No more cannons for them scallywags!
But can ye imagine the scene? Pirates in Canada, eh? Aye, they be causin' a ruckus up in the Great White North, I reckon. The Mounties chasin' after 'em, tryin' to catch 'em red-handed with their stolen loot. And all the while, the poor souls what had their gold taken, left with naught but a story to tell.
But mark me words, those scallywags won't be escapin' justice for long. The law will catch up to 'em, and they'll be walkin' the plank quicker than ye can say "shiver me timbers!" So let this be a warnin' to all ye would-be pirates out there - crime don't pay, no matter how fancy yer cannons be!

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