The Booty Report

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Arrr! Hezbollah scallywags be givin' 14 brave Israeli soldiers a proper thrashin' in yonder border village!


Arrr, the scallywags from Lebanon be claimin' they be sendin' a drone and missile attack in retaliation for them Israeli airstrikes that sent two of their own commanders to Davy Jones' locker. Aye, the battle be far from over!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen here ye scallywags, the Lebanese militant group be gettin' back at them Israeli dogs for killin' two o' our brave commanders! They be sendin' a drone and missile straight at 'em, showin' 'em we ain't to be messed with!
Aye, the seas be rough and the winds be strong, but no one crosses us without payin' the price! We be fightin' tooth and nail to protect our honor and our crew. Them Israelis won't be forgettin' the day they crossed paths with the mighty Hezbollah!
So raise a mug o' grog to them brave fighters who be standin' tall against the enemy! Let it be known across the seven seas that we be a force to be reckoned with, a force that won't be takin' no disrespect lightly!
So next time them Israeli scoundrels think about messin' with us, they best be rememberin' the day we struck back with all our might. For we be the pirates of the land, the warriors of the sea, and we won't be stoppin' until justice be served!

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