The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Johnson be pushin' ahead on the foreign booty bill, settin' up fer a weekend plunderin'! Aye, mateys!


Arrr mateys, the Republican speaker be swearin' on his mother's wooden leg that he be gettin' them scallywags to vote on helpin' Ukraine, Israel, and other swashbucklin' allies come Saturday evening, or he be walkin' the plank! Aye, he be in a proper pickle, that one!

Arrr mateys, ye hear that the Republican speaker be in some hot waters, with his job on the line like a scurvy dog walkin' the plank! He be talkin' about gettin' some Saturday evenin' votes on aid for Ukraine, Israel, and other American allies. It be a long-stalled package, like a treasure chest locked up tight!
But me hearties, don't be holdin' yer breath just yet! These politicians be known for talkin' a big game and then not deliverin' the booty when it counts. They be like a bunch of landlubbers squabblin' over a measly bit o' gold!
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, and don't be believin' every word that comes out of their mouths. These scallywags be playin' a dangerous game, and we be the ones left walkin' the plank if they don't come through with the goods!

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