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Captain Netanyahu be shakin' in his boots as that scurvy Iran scallywag be talkin' big about destroyin' Israel! Argh!


Arrr, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, be makin' it clear as a crystal ball that if Iran be messin' with Israel, they be in for a world of hurt! Aye, he be shoutin' "Prepare for battle, me hearties!" A showdown be on the horizon, mark me words!

In a statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear that Israel would do whatever it takes to defend itself amidst escalating tensions with Iran. This declaration followed meetings with foreign ministers from the UK and Germany to discuss potential retaliatory actions against Iran's recent attack on Israel. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel would make its own decisions, despite receiving advice from other countries.Meanwhile, Iran's president threatened to completely destroy Israel in response to any invasion, promising a harsh retaliation. The recent attack on Israel by Iran, which resulted in no casualties thanks to Israel's interception systems, has intensified the longstanding conflict between the two nations.Israel, along with its allies, is preparing for potential retaliation while aiming to avoid further escalation and casualties. The shadow war between Israel and Iran has reached a critical point, with both sides making bold threats and taking decisive actions.

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