The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israel be ready to give Iran a taste of their own medicine, says Cameron, me hearty! Aye, avast!


Arrr mateys, the fancy diplomats from Germany and Britain be sailin' to Jerusalem to parley with the Israelites. They be beggin' 'em not to go all out and start a ruckus in the region. No need for swords clashing and cannons boomin', savvy?

Arr, 'twas a grand gathering in Jerusalem, with diplomats from Germany and Britain sailin' in to give counsel to the land o' Israel. They be warnin' the Israelites not to let their anger boil over, lest they spark a grand war across the whole region. Aye, they be advisin' caution and restraint, like wise old sea captains steerin' their ships through treacherous waters.
The diplomats be speakin' words of wisdom, urginn' Israel to keep a cool head and not let their cannons blast off in a fit o' rage. They be remindin' them of the dangers of escalation, like a tiny spark settin' a whole powder keg ablaze. 'Tis a delicate balance they be treadin', like walkin' the plank without fallin' into the shark-infested waters below.
So let us raise a toast to these diplomats, may their words be heeded and peace be preserved in the land o' Israel. For in a world full o' cutthroats and scallywags, 'tis a rare sight indeed to see diplomacy prevail over conflict. Arr, may the winds o' peace blow steady and true, and may the swords o' war be sheathed for another day.

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