The Booty Report

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Arrr, the skies be cryin' buckets o' rain in UAE, floodin' Dubai's port like a cursed sea monster!


Arrr mateys, the United Arab Emirates be a-soakin' after Dubai International Airport got flooded! 'Tis said to be the most rain the country has ever seen. Aye, the skies be weepin' like a lass who's lost her treasure map!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, ye scallywags best be listenin' to this tale of the desert land o' the United Arab Emirates! Arrr, they be tryin' to dry out from the heaviest rain ever seen, floodin' out Dubai International Airport and causin' chaos for the world's busiest airfield. The state-run WAM news agency be callin' it a "historic weather event" that be breakin' records since 1949. Rain be fallin' in Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia too, but UAE be takin' the brunt o' it. Some be thinkin' that cloud seeding be behind the deluge, but experts say it be the storm systems at work. Scientists be warnin' that climate change be causin' more intense storms like this.The rains in Dubai be soakin' the sands and roadways, with more than 142 millimeters fallin' in 24 hours. The airport be left in chaos, with passengers stranded and flights disrupted. The city be strugglin' with floodwater coverin' roads and leavin' some folks sleepin' in the airport. Schools be closed, workers be stayin' home, and authorities be pumpin' water from the streets. In neighboring Oman, heavy rains be takin' a deadly toll too, with at least 19 souls lost. Aye, it be a wild weather adventure in the desert lands!

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