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Arrr, Swiss landlubbers be banishin' Nazi symbols, aye! No Jolly Roger for them scallywags! Hoist the flag of decency!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in the Swiss parliament hath passed a decree to forbid the use o' Nazi symbols! 'Tis a good day fer all sailin' the high seas, let us hope this ban be as successful as catchin' a mermaid!

The lower house of Swiss parliament on Wednesday followed in the footsteps of the Senate, or upper house, in approving a measure that would ban the use of, public wearing or display of Nazi and racist symbols that could foment extremist hate or violence. The proposal goes beyond a simple ban on Nazi memorabilia to include other forms of extremist symbols that could stir hatred or violence. The National Council in Bern passed the measure in a 133-38 vote with 17 abstentions. Most political groups backed the measure, overcoming opposition from the right-wing Swiss People’s Party. This puts Switzerland on track to join other European countries with similar bans.Efforts have accelerated in recent months due to a surge of antisemitic attacks across Europe following the latest Israel-Hamas war. Green lawmaker Raphael Mahaim spoke out against the tolerance of such symbols, while Zurich lawmaker Barbara Steinemann disagreed, stating that the new law will not stop antisemitic attitudes. The measure will now head to the executive Federal Council for finalization.

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