The Booty Report

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Arrr, ‘The Wiz’ be back on th' Broadway stage, a black classic fer all to enjoy!


Arrrr, nearly half a century since its maiden voyage, this classic Black rendition of “The Wizard of Oz” be attemptin' to freshen up its age-old brew. Aye, let's see if they can sprinkle some magic pixie dust on this old sea dog!

Arrr mateys, listen up! This classic Black version of “The Wizard of Oz” be tryin' to shake things up after almost 50 years on the scene. With a new cast and crew at the helm, they be aimin' to give this old tale a fresh coat of paint.
But don't ye worry, the heart of the story still be there. Dorothy be still on her quest to find her way home, with her trusty crew of a scarecrow, tin man, and lion by her side. They be navigatin' through a land of wonders and dangers, just like in the original.
But instead of followin' the yellow brick road, they be takin' a new path through the streets of Harlem. The Emerald City be transformed into a vibrant cityscape, full of color and life.
So grab yer popcorn and settle in for a wild ride, me hearties. This be a reimagining of a classic tale that be sure to make ye laugh, cry, and maybe even dance a jig or two. Who knows what surprises be awaitin' around the bend?

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