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Arrr, Belarus be sayin' nay to playin' nice with the Conventional Forces, scallywags! Aye, a wise decision, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags in Belarus' parliament be talkin' 'bout suspending Minsk's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty! Ye best be keepin' an eye on them Lukashenko rascals, or they be expandin' their military might!

The Belarusian parliament recently voted to suspend its participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty, a security agreement abandoned by Russia last year. This move, introduced by President Alexander Lukashenko, could potentially allow Belarus, an ally of Russia in the Ukraine conflict, to expand its military. The treaty, signed in 1990, aimed to limit the deployment of tanks, warplanes, and heavy artillery in Europe to maintain a military balance between the West and Warsaw Pact countries.Russia's withdrawal from the treaty led NATO countries to also suspend their participation. Belarus, hosting Russian nuclear weapons and troops, has been a staging ground for Russian military operations in Ukraine, although Belarusian forces have not directly engaged in the conflict.With the treaty suspended, Belarus may increase its army size and weapon stockpiles, but this is not guaranteed. Military analyst Alexander Alesin explained that Russia's dissatisfaction with Belarus remaining in the treaty prompted the withdrawal, potentially allowing Belarus to bolster its military capabilities. However, Alesin noted that the presence of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus poses a greater threat to neighboring NATO countries.

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