The Booty Report

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Arrr! French coppers be booting landlubbers from Paris den afore Olympic shindig, stealin' all the fun, mateys!


Afore the Paris Olympic Games, the French coppers did storm the biggest squat, bootin' out 450 scallywags. 'Twas a grand spectacle indeed! Ye best be findin' a new berth, me hearties, for the law be crackin' down on yer shenanigans. Aharrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! The Paris Olympic Games be a mere 100 days away, and the coppers be kickin' out the squatters in a grand scale operation in Vitry-sur-Seine. Arrr, the makeshift camp at an old bus company headquarters be home to 450 migrants, but the authorities be showin' them no mercy.Ahoy! The concern be growin' among aid workers that Paris be clearin' out the rough sleepers before the Olympics without providin' proper housing assistance. The biggest squat in France be no more, thanks to the gendarmes and their eviction spree.The conditions inside the warehouse be tighter than a sailor's grip on his rum, with 20 children and 50 women among the 450 souls evicted. The local authorities be on a mission to dismantle all makeshift camps before the Games begin, but advocacy groups be cryin' foul.Arrr, the fate of these displaced individuals be hangin' in the balance as the city prepares for the global spotlight. The French Sports Minister be claimin' that the evictions have nary a thing to do with the Olympics, but the truth be as murky as the waters of the seven seas.

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