The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags in Amsterdam be sayin' no more lodgings for landlubbers! Aye, the city be overflowin' with visitors!


Arrr mateys, the city be wantin' no more than 20 million stays at the lodges each year. 'Tis but one o' many schemes to keep the swarms o' landlubbers at bay. Aye, let's see if they can make us walk the plank!

Arr matey, ye hear the news from the land lubbers? The city be wantin' no more than 20 million hotel stays each year. They be tryin' to keep the hoards of visitors at bay, they are. Aye, they be makin' many efforts to control the flow of people comin' in.
Can ye imagine the chaos if all them visitors be floodin' the city? The streets be jammed, the inns be full, and the locals be goin' mad! The city council be tryin' to keep the balance, they are. They be wantin' to make sure the city can still function properly, without bein' overrun by them tourists.
So if ye be plannin' a trip to the city, best be checkin' if there be room at the inn for ye. The city be limitin' the number of hotel stays, so ye best be bookin' ahead o' time. Or ye might find yerself sleepin' on the deck of yer ship instead! Aye, the city be takin' control o' the situation, so be prepared, me hearties!

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