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Arrr, the Nigerian army be savin' a lass and her wee ones from a decade of captivity, aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be tellin' tales of Nigerian soldiers savin' a lass who be with child and taken by landlubber extremists a decade past. Aye, a true miracle in the village of Chibok, for she be a schoollass when they snatched her!

In a jolly twist of fate, Nigerian soldiers have swooped in to rescue a damsel who was snatched by scallywags a whole decade ago when she was just a wee schoolgirl in the village of Chibok, arrr! This lass, Lydia Simon, who be carryin' a little one in her belly, was found in the Gwoza council area of Borno state, where them dog-hearted Islamic extremists be lurkin' about.The army shared a portrait of Simon and her young'uns, who be lookin' to be no older than 4 years, bless their souls. She still be awaitin' to be reunited with her kinfolk, poor lass.Simon be one of 276 lasses snatched from their learnin' den back in April 2014 during the height of the extremist ruckus in the region. Aye, 'tis a grievous tale that still holds 82 of 'em in the clutches of these knaves!The tale of her liberation be kept under wraps, but whispers in the wind speak of other women who be rescued after bein' subjected to unspeakable horrors like bein' forced into wedlock or sufferin' violations of the flesh from the blackguards.The Chibok villagers be gatherin' 'round, eagerly awaitin' the moment when they can lay eyes on Simon once more. The wait be long for her family, as they yearn for an official word from the powers that be. The saga of this maiden be but one in a sea of tales of woe and bravery in the land of Nigeria.

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