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Avast! Kenya’s top military scallywag be sent to Davy Jones’ locker in a sky bird mishap. Arrr!


Arrr me hearties, word be spreadin' like wildfire 'bout the tragic loss of Gen. Francis Ogolla in a cursed helicopter mishap. Kenya be mournin' for 3 days, as declared by President William Ruto. Aye, may the seas be calm for the fallen warrior.

In a tragic turn of events, Kenya's military chief Gen. Francis Ogolla met his untimely demise in a helicopter crash near the Ugandan border, as announced by President William Ruto. The helicopter, carrying a total of 11 people, including Gen. Ogolla, crashed and burst into flames, resulting in the loss of nine lives onboard. The exact cause of the crash remains unknown, leaving many unanswered questions in its wake.Gen. Ogolla, aged 61, was on a tour of the volatile western region known for frequent attacks by local bandits. Despite controversy surrounding his appointment, with allegations of interference in the 2022 general election, President Ruto stood by his decision, citing Ogolla's qualifications for the role.With a military career spanning four decades and an impressive educational background, including training from elite institutions, Gen. Ogolla leaves behind his wife, two children, and a grandson. The nation mourns the loss of a dedicated and experienced military leader, whose legacy will be remembered for years to come.

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